Rabu, 10 Oktober 2012

Curriculum Development

1.)    Curriculum History in Indonesia

Curriculum development in language teaching was began in 1960s, though issues of syllabus design emerged as a major factor in language teaching much earlier. It starts with the syllabus design which involved by one aspect of curriculum but it is not similar with it. Furthermore, In the history of Indonesia's education, national education curriculum has experienced many changes, namely in the years 1947, 1952, 1964, 1968, 1975, 1984, 1994, 2004 and the latest is 2006. Our curriculum designed based on the Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution.

2.)         The distinction and superiority among of those curricula
A.)   Curriculum 1968 and before
The first curriculum has a name Subject Plan 1947 (Rencana Pelajaran 1947). At that time, Our education system still influenced by Netherlands and Japan. So, our goverment designed our first curricuum to replace the Netherlands education system and emphasize on the Indonesian people character. Curriculum 1968 has a goal to form a human Pancasila sincere, strong, healthy physical, moral character, and religious.
B.)  Curriculum 1975
The curriculum 1975 was made by improving the curriculum 1968 in order to integrate all of approaches to achieve specific goals and to measure students’ behaviour. In addition, The teacher should apply the principles according to Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan. For example; if we want to learn about English, we also learn the culture, gestures, and oral statement.
C.)  Curriculum 1984
In 1983, the curriculum 1975 is considered no suitable with the needs of  science and technology development. Therefore,  the curriculum 1984 was designed for orienting the instructional goals and learning in the classroom must be functional and effective. So, this curriculum should use communicative approach and ask the teachers who teach English follow a training.

D.)    Curriculum 1994

The 1994 English curriculum emphasize on communicative skill by using implementation of meaning-based approach. The teaching program for semester must involve the objectives of four language skills and statements about language use. But, the implementation of curriculum 1994 got some problems, because there are so many approach should be oriented and the number of subjects and substance of each of the subjects is too much.
E.)     Competency-Based Curriculum - Version 2002 and 2004
Competency-based curriculum focuses on developing the ability to be competence and have great performance standards. This curriculum emphasis on student competency both individual and group, and use various of approach and methosds.

3.)    The Analyzing of curriculum development in EFL teaching in Indonesia.

Curriculum shows the relation between academic expectation and program of studies. The curriculum was made by policy-maker and the teacher just adopt them. As we know that curriculum has been changed for many times, because the change of learner’s need, project and differential backround of education ministry. Especially in Indonesia, Indonesia is a big country and there are some remote areas that have not got same educational distribution, but the remote areas should fulfill standard competence in the curriculum.
The educational system based on curriculum has benefit to the students or learnes, for example; the instructions in curiculum focus on program of studies, engage student’s experience for learning, and enable them to drill their ability, and the teacher can help them by using some theories or methods in English Foreign Language Teaching such as; Grammar translation method, direct method, Audio Lingual Method, etc. Moreover this curriculum centers on what is most significant for students to know and be capable of doing and to aid them in his or her lives and with career planning.
In opposition, This curriculum also has weakness, for instance; the content of curriculum based on national standard, it is not to emphasize on students’ standard capability, because the policy maker make the standardization only based on approach.
                  Briefly, Educational leaders need to be effective and efficient concerning curriculum in an educational setting, and the ideal curriculum must provide for individual differences so that each student may adequately achieve. So, the curriculum must presents standards focus on instruction and what the learner’s need in every single district area, in order for students’ achievement will improve and equalize for all students in Indonesia


Diamond, R. M. (1997). Designing and assessing courses and curricula. A practical guide. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Nunan, D. (1984). The Learner-centered curriculum. New York:
Cambridge University Press.

Richards, J. C. (2001). Curriculum development in language teaching.
New York: Cambridge University Press.

K 102 12 045

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